Date(s) - Wed 15 Feb 2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Private Home
The regular Energy Medicine Salon with Kari Tauring on 2/16 filled up quickly so we’ve added a second chance to explore her approach.
Nordic Healing with Kari Tauring
Nordic mythology and folk ways are particularly relevant in our part of the world. Not only does it help those of us with Northern European ancestry to connect to our roots, but, as Kari says, everyone living above the 45th parallel is living a Nordic lifestyle.
The World Tree in Nordic Mythology is Yggdrasil (or Miötvið, meaning “wish tree”). Yggdrasil is an immense, holy ash tree that connects all of the nine worlds of this ancient cosmology, which (remember: as above so below!) are all represented in our own body as well. We will learn where the nine worlds of this wish tree reside in our physical bodies and begin to align and energize our mind/body/spirit complex with chant and staving (the use of staff and stick for rhythm).
Runes are also central components of Nordic Mythology. The word rune means “whispered mystery”. We will also explore how our bodies hold the shapes of these whispered mysteries.
Feel free to bring materials to stav (some will also be provided as well): 2 clean sticks (one the size of a broom handle and the other a wooden spoon), and a tea towel sized cloth and a small cutting board (to protect wood floors). Be prepared to move!
Find out more about stav and tein here:
About Kari:
Kari is spaekona and volva (prophet woman and staff carrier) of Norse spiritual tradition, a Master teacher, and a healer. She has years of study in runes, lore, seidr, galdr, healing, journey and work on the web of wyrd.
Kari offers psychic readings and dream interpretation. With three decades of experience, Kari quickly identifies barriers and gives remedies for growth. At the core of her work are the Runes (an ancient alphabetic symbol system from circa 100 ACE) — and the metaphors they reveal through their their sounds, stories, and manifestations in Nordic dance and song. She uses breath, stav and tein for rhythm in performance and in her unique spiritual practice Volva Stav.
Location: Private home in St Paul…please note that we have a very friendly dog who may be around. The address will be sent to registered participants a couple of days before the event.
Fee: $20 EARLY BIRD ($25 for registrations after Feb 12)
Advance registration is required. Registration closes the day prior to the event.
Refund/Cancellation policy: Due to the low pricing and small group size, no refunds will be given for the Energy Medicine Salons. Those who cancel more than 48 hours prior to the event can receive a credit for a future Energy Medicine Salon.
Bookings are closed for this event.