What is “The Goddess Approach”? What does that really mean? What’s different about these events?
1) The Goddess Approach provides an alternative: a more feminine path.
Western civilization is so thoroughly steeped in the linear, logical, individualistic, and competitive aspects of the masculine spectrum that at certain levels we aren’t even aware that there are other ways of thought, knowing, and being.
For example, goal setting is actually a very masculine approach. (This only recently occurred to me…see? Who knew there was another way?)
Goal: “The object toward which an endeavor is directed; an end.” Get clear on where you want to end up and take the shortest route to get there. Better yet, create “S.M.A.R.T.” goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely: the pinnacle of goal efficiency and logic.
Of course, if they are all that, they are assumed to be the best possible types of goals. And of course you want to reach the end as quickly as possible, don’t you?
A more feminine approach listens to the body and to the subtle voice of intuition.
For me, the message I was getting was clear: SMART goals make my stomach churn!
A more feminine approach doesn’t necessary rush to the end. It embraces the journey, it engages the creative process, it allows the unfolding, it accepts the twists and turns and the ups and downs, and, in detaching from the final product, it opens up the potential for something much bigger and greater.
I thought for a long time that my disdain for SMART goals, and goals in general, had to do with fears around commitment and feelings of failure if I didn’t meet my goals. That could still be the case. But they felt so wrong to me that I needed to find another way.
To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with a more masculine approach. There’s nothing at all wrong with goal setting. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with SMART goals. They make a lot of sense. They are a very logical process for determining what is achievable.
The only problem is that until now they’ve been presented as the best and even the only approach.
The Goddess Approach validates the feminine and creates balance in a world where the masculine dominates. It engages our intuition and imagination through circular, creative, and collaborative process. It uses compassion of self and others to learn the lessons in the moment. It doesn’t force or push. It allows.
2) The Goddess Approach recognizes the Archetypal powers that influence our life.
Archetypes are concepts and patterns that are common across humanity. They might be labels we use every day: teacher, healer, victim, lover. (Ok, with my stoic Scandinavian background I don’t use “lover” as a label too often, but see? you still know what I mean.). The Gods & Goddess of ancient Greece and Rome all reflect archetypes.
We are all affected by archetypes and possibly guided by them. Some believe they are separate energies within mass consciousness that even get us to do their bidding. Whatever the case, the Goddess Approach invokes this archetypal energy, engaging particularly useful archetypal concepts, to help teach us, guide us, and to help us create our life.
3) The Goddess Approach honors the divine element within each of us.
The Goddess Approach honors the Goddess within each of us – the divine spark, the feminine side of God, the eternal, the universal. We are all “brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous” and “powerful beyond measure”, to quote Marianne Williamson. The Goddess Approach is a journey to connect with our own authenticity, truth, power, and dreams.
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The retreat sounds wonderful. It is beautifully described and definitely intriguing. I will plan to attend the next time you offer it.
Great, thanks!!